Well that was a blast. My band and I stuffed ourselves into Andy’s car and wandered down to the WFMU building in Jersey city yesterday for the lovely Irene Trudel‘s show and played a LIVE set of five songs from Copenhagen, chatted and had a fun time for almost an hour. It was our first time out as a band after a number of intense rehearsals, and I just really enjoyed it. If you missed the show live, you can listen to it here on the WFMU archives.
Big thanks to Irene! She really made us feel at home, the vibe was casual and relaxed. And we had FUN! I can’t wait to get out with these guys again and on Friday we’ll be playing a very dramatic, fun version of Mister Bogeyman, aswell as a new song I’ve written recently which you’ll be hearing that for the first time at the gig on Friday.
Our friend Peter very kindly video’d the live WFMU set and he’s going to come down to Pianos on Friday night too, so we’ll have some stuff up on youtube to show you soon of us playing both in the studio and live. Can’t wait to see what he puts together.
And we’re already working on the next album and my crazy little working process is kicking back into action, and well, I’ll keep you posted. I’m also hoping to play live as much as possible this year with this lovely new kickarse band of mine…
Meanwhile, come see us at Pianos this Friday, the 21st January, at 8pm! Don’t be late kids, this show will be starting promptly at 8 and I don’t want you to miss a second of it.