I have recently made a new site for my photography, which I’m updating with the frequency of a tumblr. In fact, it is a tumblr, though it doesn’t much look like one from the outside. It’s made with a very nice tumblr photography-specific template called Aperture, and I like it quite a bit.
It’s called Alive And What She Sees. Here’s what it looks like. If you’re on tumblr you can follow me on aliveandwhatshesees.tumblr.com as I delve into my archive and whip out the good stuff.
All images I publish have been shined up for print-quality, and are available for purchase as prints, if anyone still does that. Tip: you can’t scroll a print, hard though you might try. But you do gain a friend in your home. And it doesn’t talk back.
New photo site | 2014 | Uncategorized